2009년 11월 18일 수요일

i am supposed to deal with IO_Textedit and i am struggling now.
in order to edit the text, at first i should inherit io_field and io_Frame into IO_Textedit.
i am working on the dynamic date and non-dynamic data constructors respectively.

The difference between dynamic and non-dynamic data constructor is dynamic constructor sent the class to creat series of string and non-dynamic dayta should get the pointer string as a parameter. in public function, especially i have focused on void *data();

while reviewing the last first assignment, i have follewed it including io_edit function step by step.

IRC Meeting

in the first IRC meetting, i learned how i can use SVN.
even if i didnt understand, i followed the instruction which Fardad refered.
After 3 times of IRC meetting, we met in library together while reviewing.
i came to know how i can update, check and commit. and i also came to know
what is important thing and what i have to care when i share the data together.

i didnt know not only how we can share the data but how i can make the folder which i will share.
but Jonathan and ljubo's help, i can make it and i came to know about it.